Ah Counter
Post date: Aug 18, 2014 6:33:24 AM
Taking on this role improves observational and listening skills
The purpose of the Ah-Counter is to note any overused words or filler sounds used as a crutch by anyone who speaks during the meeting. Words may be inappropriate interjections, such as and, well, but, so and you know. Sounds may be ah, um or er. As Ah-Counter you:
Request a copy of the Ah-Counter’s log from your Sergeant at Arms. If a log is not available, be prepared to take notes.
When introduced during the club meeting, explain the role of the Ah-Counter.
In the Ah-Counter’s log, record overlong pauses, overused words and filler sounds relied upon too often by all speakers. Examples include: and, but, so, you know, ah, um.
During the evaluation portion of the meeting, report your observations when called upon.
Taking on this role improves vocabulary, grammar, critical listening skills and evaluation skills
The Grammarian plays an important role in helping all club members improve their grammar and vocabulary. As Grammarian you:
Introduce new words to meeting participants and monitor language and grammar usage
Write down the language and grammar usage of all speakers, noting incomplete sentences, mispronunciation, grammatical mistakes, non-sequiturs, malapropisms, etc. Example: "One in five children wear glasses" should be"one in five children wears glasses."
At the end of the meeting, give your complete report when called on.
Optional: Introduce a "Word of the Day" that helps meeting participants increase their vocabulary; Display the word, part of speech, and a brief definition with a visual aid and prepare a sentence showcasing how the word should be used. Note who uses this word or any derivatives thereof correctly or incorrectly during the meeting.