Your and Your Mentor

Your mentor can help you get started in Toastmasters

It can be overwhelming, if not confusing, to get started. Your mentor can help.

You can ask for a mentor at any time

You may have decided to not have a mentor. However, you are free to change your mind at any time.

You need to work with the VP of Education:

    • If you wish to have a mentor

    • If you wish to change your mentor

    • If you have issues with your mentor

You and your mentor decide the nature of the relationship

Many mentors focus on helping new members through their first three CC speeches. Some mentors will continue to mentor past that third speech. Other mentors are available to assist more advanced speakers.

Think about how you want to leverage your mentor. Of course, as you gain more experience, your needs will change.

    • Do you want someone to walk you through the whole process of developing a speech?

    • Do you want someone to simply give advice?

    • Do you want someone to give you feedback on your in-progress or final speech?

Mentoring is a two-way relationship

Mentoring is not a teacher-student relationship. While a mentor is more like a coach, the relationship is more successful if both parties are engaged.

The Cisco model of mentoring advises mentees to also be proactive in the relationship. In other words, don't treat the mentor as a Superior Being. That seems like a good model to follow here.

  • Don't be passive!

  • Communication is important. If you have questions, or issues, ask!